1. Due to the Sino-US trade war, China’s stock market has plummeted recently, and investors have suffered heavy losses
  2. According to statistics, the United States subsidizes China’s small postal parcels as much as 300 million US dollars per year. Now that the US government has finally decided not to play along and to withdraw from the UPU.
  3. Recently, a shocking piece of news broke out in the global tourism industry: the Norwegian Joy, one of the world’s largest and most luxurious cruise ships and was tailor made for the Chinese tourists by investing hundreds of millions of dollars, has been eaten into bankruptcy by the Chinese!
  4. Beijing Points System for Household Registration Policy had started to be implemented, with 6,000 spots per year.  How many years will it take to get the 12 million people, who’re currently living in Beijing but whose households are not registered in Beijing, registered there? It will take about 2,000 years. [skit 574]