1. China’s first domestically manufactured aircraft carrier 001A has completed its first sea trial and safely returned to the dock at Dalian Shipyard. The party media cheered and stated that aircraft carrier 001A, which uses conventional power, was “among the ranks of the world’s advanced aircraft carriers”. 
  2. The Communist Party’s Skynet technology has been applied to the extremes. However, as Gao Mushao, a former senior software engineer at Intel, said, facial recognition technology has long been successfully developed abroad, but it has not been used to track or locate any citizen, because the Chinese government’s harm to the people’s right to privacy and basic human rights is too great.
  3. CCTV host Song Yingjie posted a Weibo message, describing her 4-year-old son’s (called “Steamed Bean Bun”) memory of his past life. [skit 553]