Scenario: in the office of the secretary general of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

From the lists of CPPCC members from all over the country, they need to add few a celebrities to act as political stars. They picked Shi Yongxin who is a rich monk from Shaolin Temple and Hong Kong star Stephen Chow. Stephan has been a member of the Guangdong Provincial Political Consultative Conference for five consecutive terms. This is the same principle as the fact that mistresses are in need of rich bosses.

There was a Chinese passenger protesting, and he hit a Japanese man. The Japanese police came to take the person away.  It causes many Chinese tourists to sing Chinese National anthem to prove they are Patriotic. 

When they come back home, their father told them that the communist party wants to have a good relationship with Japan. It doesn’t require you to go to Japan to show your patriotism. The son realized that the party’s central government wants us to run wild for a moment and then demands us to be obedient in the next moment. And they request this from us freely and at any time. [skit 537]